Beyond just nudging… behavioral design is a method to sustainably boost behavior change for organizations and improve livelihoods for their clients. Behavioral design expands the hypotheses and insights about why humans are not doing specific behaviors and that expands the concepts and options for interventions.

Amplify your Understanding

Behavioral design creates a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of human behavior. Instead of assuming that people need to be given more information or that they need to better understand the benefits of doing something, behavioral design looks at the context in which people are making decisions and how that context affects their intentions and actions.

The cognitive and behavioral biases for understanding are listed - click on them for more information. Applying them to your client’s context and the process they go through to do a behavior will give you a deeper understanding of the barriers your clients face.

Amplify their Behavior

Behavioral design techniques expand the range of concepts and ideas for interventions. In addition to traditional interventions like posters or radio skits, behavioral design can simplify the steps to a behavior, change the physical environment, create ways to make a behavior more social, and clarify mental models around an action. It can make doing a behavior mentally effortless for clients. And by using co-design techniques along the way, you empower your clients and you make your solution context-specific and culturally appropriate.

The cognitive and behavioral biases for amplifying behavior are listed - click on them for more information. Including them in the design of your intervention will help make it easier for clients to take positive actions.